Bike Fit is Good Business
Date & Time
Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Bike fitting is the best way to increase profitability, improve customer experience and build a high end reputation. This seminar breaks down the why and how of beginning a bike fitting program in your shop. Since 2009 Isaac has been building trust in the cycling community. As well as being the first Body Geometry Fit certified fitter in Pennsylvania he’s helped teach fit curriculum at Specialized Bicycle Components University. He has fit novice and pro riders alike, including the professional riders of Team Skyline. Isaac has been the director of fit services for 2 different bike shop chains and the owner of Befitting Bicycles, a fitting studio near Philadelphia. He uses his experience and expertise to promote bike fitting for bike shops. Presented by Isaac Denham, Befitting Bicycles
Location Name
The Alley Seminar Space - Exhibit Hall