CABDA Has Gone To The Dogs!
In our many years of travel visiting shops across the country, we've met dozens of bike shop dogs. Some were put to work as store greeters. Some followed us around the store the whole time. Others slept the whole time and never knew we were there.
What an amazing job perk it is to bring your dog to work!
We thought we'd have some fun and hold a little contest to give some much needed attention to our furry coworkers!
Shop Dog Submissions will be collected over the next few months...People will vote on their favorites...And the top Doggos will be enshrined in our Official Shop Dog Calendar!
There is no fee at all to participate. And all dogs are winners.
Shop Dog Calendars will be for sale at the 2023 CABDA Expos, and all sales will benefit Pets for Vets...a terrific 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing a second chance to shelter dogs by rescuing, training, and matching them with American veterans who need a companion pet.
About Pets for Vets®
Many brave troops return home with scars – both seen and unseen – that make it difficult to transition back to civilian life. At the same time, millions of wonderful animals wait in shelters for a forever home. Pets for Vets is the bridge that brings them together.
When a Veteran is matched with the right pet, both lives change for the better. The Veteran saves the animal and welcomes him/her into a loving home. The pet provides the Veteran with unconditional love and support, easing stress, depression, loneliness and anxiety.
Pets for Vets is tailored to the needs, wants and hopes of each of the Veterans. They take the time to listen and find the animal that will bring the most support and comfort. While the majority of their skilled animal companions are dogs, they have also placed cats and even rabbits! U.S. Veterans who live in their service areas and who could benefit from having a skilled companion animal are invited to apply!
Who will be Top Dog?